In our modern world, most people are using cyberspace for many things like shopping, social media, playing games, watching movies, even paying today's bills, which has many potential traps.

What is Cyber Security?

Security means protecting something from unauthorized or malicious attacks. Here also in the same definition, the term cyber security means protecting the systems such as computers, mobile, or any other devices or the data that is connected to the internet or inside the internet from malicious attacks.

What is the need for cyber security?

Now we think about why I should be concerned about such types of threats and security, which is related to the internet? it is only for someone who is a software professional or someone who is working in cyberspace. 

The answer is no. Every one of us is using the internet and the services that use the internet in all our day-to-day activities like social media, online transactions, online shopping, online bill payments, and more that we can’t explain. Most of our phones are always connected to the internet and we all are a part of cyberspace so we all need to know how to use this internet without having any threats.

The internet is becoming a dangerous place for all including organizations and persons. There are a lot of people and machines accessing the internet and all the systems connected to the internet are mutually connected, so we need to protect our valuable data from vulnerable attacks. 

Why is the internet becoming a dangerous place for all? 

There are many reasons for that like 

  • Many criminal-minded people are now computer masters and can operate from anywhere.
  • A large number of hacking tools are readily available on the internet and dark web
  • Technology and the processing speed and bandwidth is increasing tremendously
  • Many hacking books and tips and tricks are available

With all these methods, anyone who is able to use a system can learn these tricks and attack anyone who is illiterate about the internet. 

What we can do to avoid such problems on the internet is to increase our knowledge about the internet or cyberspace. Making all the parts of the internet is not possible so we have to protect our networks and operating systems so that we can protect ourselves up to an extent. Now, cyber-attacks and hacking is one of the most important economic problems with international concern.


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